By now, many of you have either heard of... or have seen with your own eyes, the bus load of young people stuck in the Target parking lot on board their broken down bus. They're a group of young adults from all over the country riding along with bus owner David King. They say they raise money where ever they go to help feed the hungry. While passing through Lake Charles their bus broke down. They've been stuck in the Target parking lot ever since... waiting for a new transmission. But the Lake Charles Police Department have received around ten calls of concern from citizens. Each time they received a complaint, officers were sent to check things out. Police tell us, they've gone out to the site, and the travelers seem to be very polite and engaging. There are dozens of animals on board the bus as well. As a result, Animal Control was called out. But we're told all of the animals appear to be in good shape with no signs of abuse. The group says they're just as anxious to move on, as the complainers are for them to leave. But until their bus gets fixed, everyone will just have to wait. What do you think about our group of weary travelers? The business owners in the Target Shopping Center have agreed to allow them to stay there until their bus is fixed... so should others be complaining?
Posted by: SHOW A LITTLE MERCY | November 16, 2010 at 04:50 AM
Why in the world would anyone complain about them being there!! i'm never to quick to judge! When i see or hear of situations like this, its simple for me, i just trade places with them for a moment, Then everything is ok! I agree with A little Mercy, What Would JESUS Do??
Posted by: gb | November 16, 2010 at 06:57 AM
It seems to me that many people are passing judgement. Perhaps they are thinking that these people should just get a job buy a house and live like they do. They do not appear to be hurting anyone so if you are not willing to help them quit throwing stones. Being the good, kind Good Christian community we are seems like we could just extend a helping hand. As said in the above post "what would Jesus do?"? I don't think it would be call the police.
Posted by: Virginia | November 16, 2010 at 07:06 AM
why are people trying to make things harder on people who are allready down on their luck? some people just need to learn how to mind their own buisness, its realy not that hard to do.
Posted by: mc | November 16, 2010 at 07:08 AM
I can not believe that some people in this community are giving these visitors ANY trouble! They do not seem to be causing ANY trouble at all. Also it does not seem like we are reaching out enough to help these people out, i have seen our community come together and overcome some EXTREME situations in the last decade, anyone who would judge these visitors or for that matter judge anyone at all , should be ashamed of themselves!!!! HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE TREATED??? I am going to show them how our community steps up for anyone who is in need, anyone want to help go by and just ask if there is something you can do TODAY.
Posted by: N.Natali | November 16, 2010 at 07:31 AM
They don't seem to be causing any trouble. At least not anymore than any other homeless person is. My questions are - how sanitary could the food be that they feed other homeless people with the 30 plus animals on the bus and the fact that they don't get to bath or shower regularly? And if they are solely funded by contributions - where do they get the money for their cigarettes?
Posted by: just my opinion | November 16, 2010 at 08:08 AM
Shakespeare , Much Ado about Nothing , Slow news day for sure. Gypsies and Beggars , used to be called Hippies , Idealists w/o a dime
Posted by: PO'MO'JO'BRO' | November 16, 2010 at 08:19 AM
Well, The CPSO could offer to bring them where they need to go 6 passengers at a time on the new airplane.
Posted by: Mike | November 16, 2010 at 08:34 AM
Man I like them being there, this way the morale hypocrites get off my welfare back and bother someone else. Being down on my luck in the past I thought I would offer them some food...YOU ready for this the turned it DOWN, said they only wanted cash.. People I have never turned down free food, so obviously they are not that bad off. You would think with the number of churches we have here in great Lake Charles these people would have found a home in one of their parking lots, this way they would have a place to shower and not be so out in the open, again church hypocrites, with the mentality of why should I give or donate money to them NO ONE gives me any......I see it all the time with these self professed pastors who claim to live by the Bible, but it seems they only live it when it is to their convenience.
Posted by: Da Gardner | November 16, 2010 at 09:09 AM
The 10 people who called to complain,I would say to get a life but in retrospect that is their life making life misirable for themselves and everyone they come in contact with."Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" and I bet them complainers are on the front row every Sunday.
Posted by: Be kind to your fellow man | November 16, 2010 at 10:10 AM
Hey one more thought has any of my fellow blogger actually checked these young hotties out, I mean I think a little time getting fertilized and watered in the DA (garden) might help them out some. And might I share one last thought 20 dogs and 8 puppies 3 cats, THEY do realize that they are right by two Chinese restaurants don't they?? Better keep a tight leash on those animals or we are going to see a sale on kung pow rice bellies.
Posted by: Da Gardner | November 16, 2010 at 12:12 PM
...mind your own business, people. These people are NOT hurting anyone..They got permission from Target(GOD BLESS 'em)..Why should anyone file a complaint??? NOT enough to do..instead of worrying about this bus load of people with good intentions, why don't YOU (speaking to the ones filing complaints) get off your high-horse and go volunteer..Go do something useful...What a shame that because of a few nosy, narrow-minded individuals, these people could leave town with a bad impression of how we treat others who MIGHT be just a little different.
Posted by: marcy | November 16, 2010 at 12:13 PM
I saw a homless man under the I-10 bridge last night, maybe we should devote a whole news cycle to him. Why is KPLC making such a big deal of this?
Posted by: Disappointed with KPLC | November 16, 2010 at 12:13 PM
Posted by: ALLEN | November 16, 2010 at 12:14 PM
How could I have issues with these people, I don't know them. My guess is the complainers are doing so based on how the travelers look and nothing else. Just because they look different doesn't make them a problem or someone to be worried about.
I wish them the best, happy travels.
Posted by: J B | November 16, 2010 at 12:29 PM
"To the least of these you do, you have done unto Me". Jesus is not coming back for (the church)building, He is coming for the people; and they won't all LOOK THE SAME. Stop murmuring and complaining and Do Something. God's children are being tested daily and everytime you judge you fail the test. I bought food to donate and brought a hot meal, and it was received with a smile and a thank you.
Posted by: Thankful I Can Help | November 16, 2010 at 12:29 PM
You know what this reminds me of racial profiling, yet this time it is religion and appearance, I bet if they had a cross painted on the side of the bus then they would be OK for the smile minded or if they were dressed nicely. This just proves I was right about the hypocrites that run around saying I am better then you because I go to church more then one day a week or I am a pastor or i can quote you the Bible, well were are those people now.
Posted by: Da Gardner | November 16, 2010 at 12:36 PM
what a great way to steer the "little people" of Lake Charles away from more newsworthy items...such as another failed lakefront project ...its a bit like Obama making the news about a soldier's Medal of Honor to hide the fact that Obama is bogged down in Aphganistan or his good buddy Charlie Rangel is guilty of ethical mischief.....anything goes and KPLC knows how to obscure the news....
Posted by: Swamp Charly | November 16, 2010 at 01:42 PM
I wonder why Dana Carl Jackson has so much animosity against Cypress Group's plans to build high-end apartments near the Civic Center?
Posted by: CTtcg | November 16, 2010 at 04:11 PM
This is the most exciting visual that has landed in Lake Charles in months! It makes me want to break out my tattered and well read copy of Tom Wolfe's "Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test" and re-read it. So refreshing to see people being free with the world and not stuck in zombie like patterns of dead-end suburbia and bad dye jobs with matching pedicures, driving SUV DVD machines on wheels. Free your mind haters. Get on the Bus.
"Everybody, everybody everywhere, has his own movie going, his own scenario, and everybody is acting his movie out like mad, only most people don’t know that is what they’re trapped by, their little script"
— Tom Wolfe (The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test)
Posted by: Michelle | November 16, 2010 at 04:21 PM
I can't believe people have taken the time to COMPLAIN to law enforcement that people are STRANDED in a parking lot! Fortunately, those complainers seem to be few and far between.
I stopped by the broke down bus yesterday to drop off some supplies, which the group accepted gracioiusly. I also chatted with Mr. King, the bus owner. They're not hurting anyone, and they want to get out of Lake Charles ASAP. They're heading to Texas to bring one of the kids home. He told me about how they pick up street kids and show them that there's a way to live without breaking the law and engaging in risky behavior. They travel across the country with this portable kitchen in their bus and set up in places like the woods and abandoned neighborhoods, where runaway kids may hide. They don't carry food to serve on the bus (for those questioning sanitation) - they get food donated once they reach a destination. The animals on board show the kids how to care for someone else since some of them have never even had anyone care for them.
And I see no issue with them buying cigarettes if it keeps them from going back to hard drugs!
Posted by: colleen | November 16, 2010 at 04:56 PM
I assure you, the people complaining the most, haven't offered a hand to help. I'm sure those stranded people would love to be somewhere else besides Target's parking lot.
The people complaining need to visualize what if it was them or someone they love who's standed, wouldn't they want someone to help them.
Instead of complaining, I believe that energy should be used toward offering those people a meal, water, a pillow or whatever it takes to comfort those who are stranded, and remember its not their choice to be in Target's parking lot.
Come on people, show some love!
Posted by: Ve May | November 16, 2010 at 05:20 PM
we should all help are man kind not just the way we dress are the kind of vechile we drive we should all be createrd equal.If the stores are happy why should we complane
Posted by: wade | November 16, 2010 at 05:20 PM
Posted by: CHAD PAUL BRYANT | November 16, 2010 at 11:36 PM
CTtcg, it seems like he's had it out against them since the beginning doesn't it? What really gets my noodle cooking is that he was elected to represent a portion of the city that is no where near the lake front...are his constituents actually against it? As for the bus people...I see no harm, they seem like caring and loving individuals only striving to make the world a better city at a time.
Posted by: Terry | November 16, 2010 at 11:38 PM